Is there any reason why this is missing from Unity? It's a really helpful thing to have when you have a lot of windows open.
Ubuntu – How to see a list of all open windows in a panel in Unity
Related Solutions
I think you need to create a .desktop file in your /usr/share/applications/
folder. Have a look at any .desktop file and create a new one with what you need.
Here's my Banshee.desktop. Only replace Exec, Name, Icon and a few things.
[Desktop Entry] Exec=banshee-1 --redirect-log --device-activate-play=%u NoDisplay=true MimeType=x-content/audio-cdda; Version=1.0 Name=Banshee Media Player GenericName=Media Player X-GNOME-FullName=Banshee Media Player Comment=Play and organize your media collection Icon=media-player-banshee StartupNotify=true Terminal=false Type=Application Categories=GNOME;Audio;Music;Player;AudioVideo;X-Ximian-Main;X-Novell-Main;X-Red-Hat-Base; X-GNOME-Bugzilla-Bugzilla=GNOME X-GNOME-Bugzilla-Product=banshee X-GNOME-Bugzilla-Component=General X-GNOME-Bugzilla-Version=1.7.6 X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain=banshee
I think also you can create in "alacarte" (the Menu Editor) a launcher (it creates it self a .desktop file).
The Unity panel cannot be hidden because the code doesn't currently allow it. Why it doesn't allow it is because nobody has added the code to allow it. Is it written in stone that it has to be that way? I don't know. I doubt it. If you can come up with good solutions to the problems that arise when the panel is hidden, I'm very confident they will be considered. But it is important to not think about these things too subjectively. We can't consider one part of the puzzle at a time. We have to consider all of it simultaneously. For instance, we don't want the desktop to feel completely different if a window is maximized or not. That would be inconsistent and confusing.
The top panelĀ is used for indications, and these are important. Because unlike other operating systems and desktops, notifications doesn't stay open. So you need a way to see that something has happened if you haven't been looking at the screen. This could be done differently, but then other issues tend to pop up.
The panel itself doesn't actually consume much extra space. Because it also saves space that was previously used by the window menu bars. So the screen real estate is just used somewhere else. If you have more than one window open, then it will often consume much less space than was previously used. In any case, on a large screen, the panel doesn't consume much space.
The smaller a screen becomes, the more likely it is that you'll maximize your windows and use one at a time. In that case, the panel doesn't consume any space at all. The window decorator will be merged into it, so even if it is still visible, it doesn't consume any extra space! Neat trick, that one.
In multiple screen scenarios, however, the discussion about whether it should be visible on all screens is valid and interesting. I don't know if any conclusions have been drawn in that regard. It might be that it should be configurable. But that's not an easy discussion either. There are so many possibilities, but we probably wouldn't want to have all those options in code and in config GUIs. Perhaps one good option would be to use the same choice as for the launcher? But some might not like that. My guess is that this will become configurable in some way in the future, but that it won't happen in 12.04. But that's just a guess.
I hope this at least helps explain why it isn't obvious that it should be possible to hide the panel. Or at least not obvious enough that it should take precedence over other tasks. And like everything else, you know, development resources are limited.
Best Answer
I have developed an application indicator which shows a list of open windows. To keep with the Unity one-panel style, windows are accessed from an icon on the indicator panel.
Category: Other, Window Management
Window-list displays a list of current open desktop windows. Windows can be activated by selecting them from the menu list.
Window-List is available for all versions of Ubuntu running Unity.
install via ppa:
deb package is also available from the launchpad repository.
run application by:
Once installed, open a window in the list by a right click.