Scale Enormously Sized Desktop Icons on Ubuntu 18.04 – How to


I just upgraded to 18.04 (with GNOME 3.28) from 16.04. I am using gnome-shell, gnome-ubuntu-desktop. After upgrading the icon size on desktop are very large.

icon size

I am unable to find my option to decrease the size in preferences. How do I decrease it?

Best Answer

  1. Open Files (aka Nautilus)
  2. Grid view: Change your icon view from "list" to "grid" first by clicking the button next to the hamburger menu.


  3. Zoom out: Click on the hamburger menu (three-horizontal-lined button at top-right) and decrease the icon size by clicking the "zoom out" button (or Ctrl+-).

This should also reduce the size of the icons in your desktop.

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