Ubuntu – How to run Windows Skype on Ubuntu using Wine


I'm trying to use Skype on Ubuntu. I tried installing it in Wine. Installing it went fine, but when I try to login, it gives me error code 1814; resource name not found. What can I do to fix this?

Best Answer

Skype for Windows on Wine using PlayOnLinux

To get the best result for running Skype for Windows on Linux using Wine, follow these steps. (Tested using Ubuntu 15.10, but it should work fine for earlier versions)


  • Skype version link.
  • Wine version 1.9.1 acting as Windows 8.1 32bit.
  • Add /legacylogin /username:USERNAME /password:PASSWORD as arguments to skype.exe.
  • Run export PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=60 before running Wine.

1. Install PlayOnLinux

To get PlayOnLinux from the repositories:

sudo apt install playonlinux

It might be necessary to download and install the latest PlayOnLinux from their website if you are using Ubuntu < 15.10.

2. Add newest version of Wine to PlayOnLinux

  1. Start PlayOnLinux.
  2. Click Tools > Manage Wine Versions
  3. Select version 1.9.1 from the left and click the > button to add it to PlayOnLinux.

(1.9.1 was the newest Wine version upon writing this answer, you can try next versions for better result)

3. Download Skype installer

Download Skype version I cannot seem to find an official link for this. You can download it from this unofficial link. Put a comment if the link doesn't work anymore or if you find an official link.

Older versions of Skype are not supported anymore, they will fail to login. 7. version do not seem to work correctly in Wine.*

4. Install using PlayOnLinux

  1. Start PlayOnLinux
  2. Click 'Install a program' and then 'install a non-listed program' in the bottom left corner.
  3. Choose 'Install a program in a new virtual drive'. Name the drive something like 'skype6.21.32.104'.
  4. Check 'use another version of Wine' and 'Configure Wine'. And click next.
  5. Select Wine 1.9.1 and click next.
  6. Select 32-bits windows installation and click next.
  7. The Wine configuration Window appears after a few seconds. At the bottom of the Window, select Windows 8.1 and click 'ok'.
  8. Back to the PlayOnLinux window: click 'Browse' and select the Skype installer you just downloaded. Click next.
  9. Follow the Skype installer.
  10. Select Skype.exe and click next to create a shortcut. Give the shortcut a name and click next again to finish the installation.
  11. Click the Skype icon in the main PlayOnLinux window and click configure. In the general tab, add following to the Arguments field. Click another field so the arguments field is saved. (replace USERNAME and PASSWORD with your credentials).

    /legacylogin /username:USERNAME /password:PASSWORD

  12. Go to the tab 'Miscellaneous' and add export PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=60 to "Command to exec before running the program"

Main source: Skype on WineHQ

Now you can run Skype from Playonlinux.

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