Ubuntu – how to run multiple byobu sessions at once


Currently I don't seem able to run multiple sessions of byobu. After the initial byobu instance, running on one terminal, when I run byobu in another terminal it always attaches to the first byobu session.

Is there away to start independent byobu sessions?

Best Answer

It is very easy. (At least on my ubuntu 10.04 machine, where byobu uses screen.);

If you already have one session running, and do not want to reattach but instad create a new one, just type:

byobu -S my-other-session

Where my-other-session is how you are naming the new session.

Later, if you have already more than one byobu sessions running, it is sufficient to type


And you will be presented with a list of running sessions to choose from:

Byobu sessions...

  1.  17680.my-other-session (03/12/2012 01:33:32 PM) (Detached)
  2.  11890.pts-2.mit        (01/15/2012 09:17:49 AM) (Detached)
  3.  Create a new session

Choose 1-3 [1]:

If typing byobu dos not present a list of running sessions to choose from, try the byobu-select-session command.

The pts-2.mit session was the one I created initially without giving it a name, so the name was chosen by boybu.

If you want to find out which sessions are running, without attaching to any of them, use

byobu -ls

It drops you again at the console where you typed it after showing a list like:

There are screens on:
        17680.my-other-session  (03/12/2012 01:33:31 PM)        (Detached)
        11890.pts-2.mit         (01/15/2012 09:17:48 AM)        (Detached)
2 Sockets in /var/run/screen/S-root.