Ubuntu – How to run a script from within the vim editor

command lineeditorscriptsvim

When within vim (the editor I use mostly because of the terminal integration), I want to run my script (e.g. Python or Javascript) from within vim.

I do not mind if it opens a new window, I would just like to know if there is an editor command for save/run. TNX1.0E6,

Best Answer

You can run commands inside of vim with !

:!echo "hello"

The symbol % is a shortcut for the name of the current open file, so you can execute your current file with


The console output will appear, and you press enter to return to editing your file

You can add a keybind to save and run in your ~/.vimrc

nnoremap <F5> <esc>:w<enter>:!%:p<enter>
inoremap <F5> <esc>:w<enter>:!%:p<enter>
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