Ubuntu – How to retrieve and list local charms in juju-gui charm browser


How do I get my local charms to be retrieved and listed in my environment's juju-gui "Charm Browser"?

According to the documentation in the section titled "The Juju GUI server" item 7 "It supports deploying local charms…. This also includes retrieving and listing local charms' files."

To be clear, I'm not asking how to deploy my charm, I need to test and demonstrate my charms starting from the "Charm Browser" as an end user would experience. Also, a set of charms will be created and tested in concert before publishing them to the store. So I need to see them end to end before considering publishing.

Other similar questions that did not answer my question include
How do I deploy a local charm from the Juju GUI? and How to locally add my charms to the juju-gui?.

Best Answer

In order to get your charms to show up in the charm browser you will need to push them to your own namespace in Launchpad. Less than 15 minutes later, assuming charm proof passes, you'll be able to see your own charm in there.

You can read about this process here: https://jujucharms.com/docs/stable/authors-charm-store#submitting-a-new-charm

Just FYI, there is no technical difference between dragging from the Charm Browser and dragging a zip archive of your charm from your machine.

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