How to Restore Down Arrow Icon on Downloads Folder in Home Directory


I removed the original Downloads folder in the home directory and created a new one with the same name, but the down arrow icon on the new Download folder now disappeared. Could someone please tell me how to restore that icon?
enter image description here

In addition, from the image above we see "Downloads" disappears also in "Places" category in the left panel. I think it should be there originally. If after restoring the down arrow icon, the "Downloads" is still not in "Places" category, I would also like to ask you to help me put "Downloads" back to "Places". Thank you.

PS: I am not using any theme.

Best Answer

To change the icon, right click on the Downloads folder and select the Properties option. Now click on the folder icon in the properties window. It will give you an option to select a custom icon.

enter image description here

Navigate to /usr/share/icons/Humanity/places and select the appropriate icon.

To add an entry in the places menu, you have to edit the ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs file.

nano ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs

enter image description here

Add the following entry and press ctrl+X to save -


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