Ubuntu – How to restore Nautilus Launcher icon quicklist to default


After an update I ended up with this:

Files quicklist

How can I add the default Files quicklist options which are not bookmarks (Documents, Downloads, Music…)

The same happened to Nautilus when I opened it, but I added the options in ~.config/user-dirs.dirs but now the Launcher icon is missing this options.

Best Answer

The default entries, which are added automatically to the Files launcher icon (not the ones, mentioned in the .desktop file) , are stored in ~/.config/gtk-3.0/bookmarks, as lines in the format:



I am afraid you will have to re-enter them manually if the file was messed up somehow.

...Or, if you simply want to use all the entries in ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs, you can use the script below :)

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import os
home = os.getenv("HOME")
exclude = ["Desktop", "Templates"]

with open(home+"/.config/user-dirs.dirs") as locations:
    homelinks = [item.replace("\n", "").split("$HOME/")[-1][:-1] \
                 for item in locations.readlines() if item.startswith("XDG_")]

with open(home+"/.config/gtk-3.0/bookmarks", "wt") as bookmarks:
    for item in homelinks:
        if not item in exclude: