Mouse Pointer – How to Restart Missing or Invisible Mouse Pointer


For some reason, the mouse pointer on my Ubuntu 10.04 PC disappears after the computer is woken up from suspend. That PC is missing a keyboard, so I can fix this by logging via ssh, and issuing:

sudo service gdm restart

… however, this basically restarts gnome, and will close any applications that may have been running.

Another way to solve this is to set up that PC as a synergy slave – and then move the mouse from the synergy master to the slave desktop; this brings the mouse pointer back.

Is it possible to run some command, such that I don't need to restart X (or gdm) but I'll effectively restart the mouse pointer code? Then I could put this into a script on the desktop, and be able to recover the mouse pointer after suspend without needing a second machine (even with the mouse pointer invisible, mouseovers on icons are still rendered, so I could target this icon).

Best Answer

this may fix the problem.

If you are stuck with no mouse movement on your laptop (touchpad) then press the key combinations Alt+F2 and type in

gksudo modprobe -r psmouse

Type in the password, press enter, and then press Alt+F2 again for entering the following

gksudo modprobe psmouse

Thats it. Your mouse pointer will start working again.

If you like to do it through the terminal, then type in gnome-terminal after pressing Alt+F2 When the terminal open up type the following

sudo modprobe -r psmouse


sudo modprobe psmouse

If your usb mouse is getting stuck, then use the following command after pressing Alt+F2

gksudo /etc/init.d/hotplug restart
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