Command Line – How to Reset Display Settings Through Terminal

command linedisplaydisplay-resolutionmonitor

I am using Ubuntu 15.10. I accidentally changed the size of the interface to maximum. Now my folders and windows are too large and don't fully fit the screen so I cannot revert the effect. Is there any way to reset the display settings to default so this can revert to normal?

Best Answer

Removing ~/.config/monitors.xml should do it:

  • Open a terminal window by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T
  • type rm ~/.config/monitors.xml and press Enter
  • immediately log out and back in. It should be reverted now


If you know what resolution your screen supports (e.g. 1440x900), you can run the command:

xrandr -s 1440x900

to at least temporarily set a workable solution, then subsequently change settings from GUI.