Ubuntu – How to replace GRUB with Windows 10 bootloader


My machine has Windows 10 Pro installed alongside Ubuntu 15.10. As I installed Ubuntu after Windows, GRUB 2 is the default boot loader. I am sorry, Ubuntu fans, but GRUB is "pure ugly".

I tried BURG, but it is not so great too. I want to know if there is any way to replace BURG with Windows bootloader (Note: I want to be able to boot into Ubuntu from Windows bootloader).

Additional information: My PC is an old machine, it does not use UEFI, just classic MBR.

Best Answer

Important pre-information : This is valid for older machines with Legacy BIOS and addresses this information of the question -> My PC is an old machine, it does not use UEFI, just classic MBR.

Boot the Ubuntu system ... open a terminal and execute :

sudo mount /dev/sdYY /mnt
sudo dd if=/dev/sdXX of=/mnt/linux.bin bs=512 count=1  

Note : XX = Ubuntu partition | YY = Windows 10 partition
To identify the disks and partitions you can use GParted.

Boot from a Windows 10 DVD or USB installation media.
On the 'Install now' screen select Repair your computer.
Choose the option Command prompt and then execute :

bootrec.exe /fixmbr
bootrec.exe /fixboot  
bootrec.exe /rebuildbcd  

Shutdown and boot into the Windows operating system.
Open command prompt as administrator and execute :

bcdedit /create /d Ubuntu /application bootsector  
bcdedit /set {***} device partition=c:  
bcdedit /set {***} path \linux.bin  

Note : *** = identifier of the new entry in the BCD store
Now you have an Ubuntu entry in Windows´ boot menu.

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