Ubuntu – How to repeat the content of a file n times

command linetext processing

I'm trying to benchmark to compare two different ways of processing a file. I have a small amount of input data but in order to get good comparisons, I need to repeat the tests a number of times.

Rather than just repeating the tests I would like to duplicate the input data a number of times (eg 1000) so a 3 line file becomes 3000 lines and I can run a much more fulfilling test.

I'm passing the input data in via a filename:

mycommand input-data.txt

Best Answer

You don't need input-duplicated.txt.


mycommand <(perl -0777pe '$_=$_ x 1000' input-data.txt)


  • 0777 : -0 sets sets the input record separator (perl special variable $/ which is a newline by default). Setting this to a value greater than 0400 will cause Perl to slurp the entire input file into memory.
  • pe : the -p means "print each input line after applying the script given by -e to it".
  • $_=$_ x 1000 : $_ is the current input line. Since we're reading the entire file at once because of -0700, this means the entire file. The x 1000 will result in 1000 copies of the entire file being printed.
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