Dual Boot – How to Remove Ubuntu from a Windows 7 Machine Without the Recovery Disk

dual-bootuninstallwindows 7

I have a computer that originally came with windows 7. I recently installed Ubuntu 11.04 (natty) on it. Now, I want to remove it from the computer while keeping windows. Unfortunately, I don't have the windows recovery disk anymore… Is there a way I can delete ubuntu without deleting the booting program (the purple screen where you can select the operating system)?

Best Answer

Why would you want to keep Ubuntu bootloader (GRUB) if you're removing Ubuntu? I'm not sure it's possible because I believe GRUB stores some of its files on the partition you're going to remove.

I believe you need to re-install Windows boot loader, then you just boot into Windows and delete Ubuntu partition using standard Windows tools. You may be able to resize the windows partition to take up the free space or create a new NTFS partition there.

(as such, the question turns out to be totally unrelated to Ubuntu... you can do everything in Windows)