Ubuntu – How to remove the shadow at the top of the unity launcher


I'm using a theme (based on Ambiance Grey) where the slight shadowing that is present at the very top of the Unity launcher is visually disturbing (see image below), and would like to remove it.


I was able to remove the shadow from the Unity panel by editing


but I haven't been able to find a similar image that would control the shadowing of the launcher top.

Best Answer

Considering that you are using Ubuntu 16.04,


Replace image /usr/share/unity/icons/panel-shadow.png with transparent png image.

Edit: I have gave the wrong path before. Please use the same path and file as given above. The below path is also corrected.

Replace /usr/share/unity/icons/panel-shadow.png with an invisible image. In other words, edit that PNG file and make it 100% transparent and remove the black shade in the image.


Or install compiz manager and change the setting in window decoration option (If you cant find the option use the search in the tool). There is option to change the active and inactive shadow and its properties also.