Ubuntu – How to remove GNOME classic session and associated packages


Ok have been testing unity and I love it. And I have heard that unity-2d will be fallback session from 11.10. I would like to make 11.04 the same without breaking the functionality of unity.

So I would Like to know how can I get just ubuntu(.i.e. Unity) and unity-2d as session choice in 11.04 and completely remove gnome classic desktop session choice(If Possible) ?? What packages shall I purge for this without hindering my desktop experience ??

By the way I have already installed unity-2d and its quite nice as well.

Best Answer

NB: You SHOULD NOT do this on a production system unless you are willing to face potential breakage.

I would suggest simply removing the Ubuntu classic session's session file (I believe this is somewhere within /etc/X11).

You could then remove the gnome-panel package, but I wouldn't suggest removing anything else for now. Better safe than sorry.