Ubuntu – How to remove bottom information panel in terminal window on Ubuntu Server AMI images

amazon ec2byobucommand lineserver

The Amazon AMI images have a default information panel at the bottom of the terminal window. I would like to remove this (it disables me from being able to scroll backwards in putty).

It looks like this at the bottom of my terminal window:

0*$ sh  my_login_name@ec2-100-00-100-10.compute-1.amazonaws.com ...
 U  Ubuntu oneiric            1# 3d20h 0.00 2.6GHz 592MB,43% 2011-09-26 18:12:05

Best Answer

Unfortunately, the 11.10 AMIs automatically run the screen command on ssh from a terminal using a package named byobu which uses up the bottom two lines with colorful line noise.

You can disable this on a given instance by typing the command:


which will log you out. The next ssh will work fine.

Note: This post includes statements that express my personal opinions. Other people have different opinions.