Banshee Podcast – How to Register Downloaded Podcast MP3 in Banshee?


I just upgraded to Natty and trying to start using Banshee instead of Rythmbox.

I noticed that Banshee put downloaded podcost under Podcast folder. I have a bunch of previously downloaded podcasts by Rythmbox which I would like to keep. I can move those files easily into Podcast folder for Banshee, but how can I associated those file to Banshee so Banshee recognized it as downloaded podcast?

I don't mind going down to nitty gritty changing config/meta file or database update if Banshee use database to store those info.

Best Answer

Thanks to information from MichaelMS, I google Banshee database and found out it is using sqlite. So I opened it up with Squirrel Client and to register downloaded podcast to Banshee, you need to update PODCASTENCLOSURES table.

The columns you need to update are:

  • LocalPath - this point to where the physical location of where the downloaded podcast
  • DownloadStatus - I set it to 3, assuming this meant that is what other downloaded podcast value that I'd seen.