Ubuntu – How to rearrange search results in Unity dash home


Unity dash home currently displays results in the following order:

  • Application results
  • Documents results
  • Downloads results
  • Music results, etc

Pretty Unity screenshots

What I would like is to have the Documents and Downloads results above the application results in Dash home. Is it possible to reorder the search results?

Best Answer

For 12.04

You can use dconf-editor to rearrange the search results in Unity dash home.

Install dconf-editor by clicking on this big button:

Install via the software center

Or by running this command in a terminal:

sudo apt-get install dconf-tools

Then navigate to comcanonicalUnityDash and change the setting for home-lens-ordering to ['files.lens', 'applications.lens', 'music.lens'].


If you would like to get back to the default setting, you can hit the Set to Default button on the lower right corner.

This is what you get once you adjust the setting as above:

Pretty Unity dash images

Alternatively, if you don't like to hunt with your mouse, you can run this command in a terminal:

gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Dash home-lens-ordering "['files.lens', 'applications.lens', 'music.lens']"

It will order the results in the way you prefer.

To reset the setting, you run this command:

gsettings reset com.canonical.Unity.Dash home-lens-ordering