Printing – How to Print Multiple Copies of an Image on a Single Page


I have an image, about 300×300 pixels large. I want to print as many copies as possible on a single page (I am planning to cut them apart with scissors afterwards).

Is there a way to do this? Is there a way to generate a PDF with copies (without opening something like gimp and manually doing copy-paste work).

Best Answer

You can use ImageMagick's montage tool.

  1. Install the imagemagic tools

    sudo apt-get install imagemagick
  2. Combine your images. I have created this image, called foo.png as a demonstration:

    enter image description here

    Run montage, telling it to make 3 rows of 5 images each (-tile 3x5), keeping the original size of the image (-geometry 300x400 and give it the same image 15 times as input:

    montage -geometry 300x400 -tile 3x5 foo.png foo.png foo.png foo.png foo.png foo.png foo.png foo.png \
     foo.png foo.png foo.png foo.png foo.png foo.png foo.png

    The result is:

    enter image description here

  3. Since that creates a postscript file (the language printers speak), you can print it directly from the command line using tools like lp or enscript. I don't have a printer at the moment so I can't check but this should work



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