Ubuntu – How to play videos on Lynda.com


I filed a customer support ticket because Lynda.com videos wouldn't play in Chromium on Ubuntu 16.04, and they dismissed the ticket saying:

We are sorry for the difficulty. Unfortunately, our system requirements do not support Ubuntu. You may find it possible to use our site with certain browsers on Ubuntu but we are not able to support issues that might arise when using that OS.

Now I have two desktops running 16.04 (one at home, and one at work), and I find that Chromium doesn't work on either – it just gets in this endless loop of click play, then pops up download link that merely reloads the page:

enter image description here

However, firefox works on my work machine, but not at home. At work, when I click play, it just plays the video as expected.

So, this leads me to the conclusion that I must have some additional codecs/software installed on my work machine that I don't at home.

My question is: how can I determine what's happening on my work machine so that I can reproduce and install whatever is needed at home?

Best Answer

Ah, found it! It was ffmpeg

sudo apt install ffmpeg

Restart firefox, and all good :)

Still doesn't work on Chromium though, oh well.

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