Ubuntu – How to play music, coming from the microphone jack


I have a USB device attached, which enumerates as a microphone. It streams some music, and I can easily record it with e.g. Audacity.

However, I want not to record it, but jsut listen on my headphones.

I have ALSA and Pulse Audio installed as usual. What is the best way to route the audio to my wishes?

Best Answer

I've picked this up some time ago. I hope it still works.

How to load a loopback device in PulseAudio

Open a terminal with Ctrl + Alt + T. Then enter

pactl load-module module-loopback

(without sudo or any special root rights). Now you should hear what is coming from your AUX-in. If not then open your audio settings dialog and try to change your settings from there. You will find the additional loopback-device.

If this works good and you want to have it on each boot, do this

sudo sh -c 'echo "load-module module-loopback" >> /etc/pulse/default.pa'

If for some reason you want to mute the device

pactl set-source-mute 1 1

To un-mute it

pactl set-source-mute 1 0

I've used this guide.


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