Nautilus – How to Pin a Specific Document for Easy Access


In Ubuntu, you can mark certain applications as your favorite, and in the file explorer, you can drag folders to the left sidebar. But I can't seem to add a bookmark for a specific file, nor can I set a file to open from the Ubuntu dock at the left of the screen.

What is a good option to have a document in a place where you will remember its importance on a frequent basis?

Best Answer

An alternative for simpler files is to use Nautilus file manager to create a link and move it to the desktop.

For your word processing, spreadsheet and presentation documents you can navigate using Nautilus to the directory containing the file. Then right click on the the file and select Make Link a new icon appears called Link to filename. Grab this and drag it to your desktop.

Below is an animation for a word processing document called eyesome.odt and a desktop link created for it:

make link.gif

After the link is dragged to the desktop, simply double click on it and the application associated with it automatically opens it.

Keyboard shortcut method Ctrl+Shift+Left-Click

A quicker method is to use Ctrl+Shift+Left-Click on the file and drag a copy to the desktop.

The subtle difference is the Desktop name is no longer "Link to filename" but simply "filename".

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