Ubuntu – How to permanantly change the color scheme of the terminal

colorscommand linegnomethemes

I have just installed solarized color scheme for ubuntu gnome terminal. I have followed this tutorial. eval dircolors ~/.dircolor – this command s causing problems. When I use this command, it changes the color scheme of the terminal for ls. But if I restart the terminal the color scheme goes. What does that command do and how can I keep the preference permanently?

Best Answer

The steps I have used:

$ cd gnome-terminal-colors-solarized
$ ./install.sh

This script will ask you which color scheme you want, and which Gnome Terminal profile to overwrite.

Please note that there is no uninstall option yet. If you do not wish to overwrite any of your profiles, you should create a new profile before you run this script. However, you can reset your colors to the Gnome default, by running:

    Gnome >= 3.8 dconf reset -f /org/gnome/terminal/legacy/profiles:/
    Gnome < 3.8 gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/gnome-terminal

By default, it runs in the interactive mode, but it also can be run non-interactively, just feed it with the necessary options, see 'install.sh --help' for details.

Please select a color scheme:
1) dark
2) dark_alternative
3) light

#? 1

Please select a Gnome Terminal profile:
1) Standard

#? 1

You have selected:

  Scheme:  dark
  Profile: Standard (:4d4a684a-7388-40db-adf1-6ec6b6f9043d)

Are you sure you want to overwrite the selected profile?
(YES to continue)

(YES to continue) YES
Confirmation received -- applying settings

The open the menu EditProfile Settings and Check your settings. It should look something like this (Sorry for the screenshot with German words).

  • Farben means Colors
  • Text- und Hintergrundfarbe means Text and background color
  • Farbpalette means Color palette
  • Integrierte Schemata means Built-in schemes
  • dunkel Solarisiert means dark solarized
  • Solarisiert means Solarized

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