Minecraft – How to Patch LWJGL Libraries in Minecraft


I just downloaded a free version of minecraft and I also downloaded JDK 6 and 7/JRE 7. I can open minecraft perfectly and log in but after it installs updates, it stays at a black screen. I need to update my lwjgl files but there is no .bin folder in my minecraftSP.jar folder. Any tips? screenshot of folder

That is what my minecraft folder contains.

Best Answer

Patching LWJGL in Minecraft (Linux)

Download the LWJGL files

  1. Go to the LWJGL download page and download the latest stable release.
  2. Open the .zip in Archive Manager.
  3. The jars are found in "jar" and the natives are found in "natives/linux"

Patch the LWJGL files by doing the following

  1. Open your home directory (You can usually just do this by opening the File Manager).
  2. Press Ctrl + H to see hidden folders.
  3. Open ".minecraft" and open the "bin" folder.
  4. Copy "jinput.jar", "lwjgl.jar" and "lwjgl_util.jar" from the "jar" folder.
  5. Now open up the "natives" folder and copy "ibjinput-linux.so", "libjinput-linux64.so", "liblwjgl.so", "liblwjgl64.so", "libopenal.so", "libopenal64.so" from "natives/linux".
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