Ubuntu – how to open PDF file at specific page in the terminal

adobe-readercommand linefoxitreaderpdf

I am trying to open a .pdf file with FoxitReader from the terminal.

The following works on the terminal:

/opt/foxitsoftware/foxitreader/FoxitReader "Document.pdf"

But this doesn't:

/opt/foxitsoftware/foxitreader/FoxitReader "Document.pdf /A page=5"
It launches the FoxitReader GUI application, displaying "the file could not be found". The document has more than 5 pages.

  • Foxit Reader version is
  • Ubuntu 16.04

is this option not available for linux systems? Did the syntax change? Do I need to install a plugin?

I also tried

/opt/foxitsoftware/foxitreader/FoxitReader -h
/opt/foxitsoftware/foxitreader/FoxitReader --help

but it fails to open these, too 🙁

I attempted the same in Adobe Acrobat Reader

/opt/Adobe/Reader9/bin/acroread /A "page=3" "Document.pdf"

with the same result. As always, instructions are documented for windows. I tried a couple of other PDF viewer now…

is there any free PDF reader able to:

  • run in linux
  • open PDF at a specific page
  • highlight text
  • display page in full view (optional)


thank you

Best Answer

Evince is a PDF viewer able to open PDF files at a specific page using the terminal with the following command:

evince -i 5 "path/to/document.pdf"

where -i option specifies the page of the document, 5 in this example, and the second argument specifies the path to the document to open.

Okular is a PDF viewer able to open PDF files at a specific page using the terminal with the following command:

okular -p 5 "path/to/document.pdf"

where -p option specifies the page of the document, 5 in this example, and the second argument specifies the path to the document to open.

Acrobate Reader is a PDF viewer able to open PDF files at a specific page using the terminal with the following command:

/opt/Adobe/Reader9/bin/acroread /a "page=5" "path/to/document.pdf"

where page=5 is the argument that specifies the page of the document, 5 in this example, and the second argument specifies the path to the document to open.