Shutdown Messages – How to Disable Console Messages on Shutdown


I got to eliminate almost every sign of a console from bootup to lightdm (only the quick appearance of a cursor from grub still annoys me) but shutdown is a mess: at least an "fsck clean" message appears, but sometimes more, right before plymouth kicks in.

I'd like it if:

  • I could make the messages not appear, either by suppressing them
    (more difficult, since the fsck message is there from before
    lightdm… I can make it go away THEN but not on shutdown) or by
    making the font black on the console, which I don't know how to do on
    shutdown; or
  • Plymouth kicked in earlier.

I tried this solution: How to hide console messages on shutdown? – but this is very old and we don't have an rc.conf anymore.

In this case: Console text appears on shutdown – there is a problem with nvidia but I have an integrated Intel, so it has nothing to do with that. Also people do not seem to care about the text – I KNOW it doesn't mean trouble, I just want to get rid of it.

In this case: Console shows on shutdown/logout – Comments to the answer just reassure it's normal behaviour.

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

In Ubuntu 18.04 Server LTS, edit

/etc/sysctl.d/10-console-messages.conf and set

kernel.printk = 0 4 1 7

Actually the first value (0) is what you need. According to, setting that first number to 0 means only "Emergency messages" are shown ("system is about to crash or is unstable").

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