Ubuntu – How to move files between Ubuntu and iPhone


I recently got an iPhone 6s. Is there a way to transfer files (music, photos, PDF, or really anything actually) between Ubuntu and the phone? It should not involve syncing via an internet service, as I may have the need to transfer large or private files. Also, I do not want to jailbreak the device.

There are a few results when searching for this on Google, but none seems very up to date.

Best Answer

I don't know whether there's any difference between versions, but I can simply access the files of my iPhone 5s via the file manager when it's plugged over USB (using the AFC protocol).

I'm using iOS 9.2 beta, I have no idea whether it works on 9.1 or earlier. I can access the device from Nautilus' sidebar, if it doesn't show up, try navigating to the following address:

afc://<your iPhone's UDID>/

Also, most music players (at least Rythmbox, Banshee and Clementine) support music synchronization over AFC (Apple File Conduit).

EDIT: I just learned I can easily synchronize my pictures using tools like gThumb.

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