Ubuntu – How to mount an external Hard Drive connected to a netgear router

hard drivemountnetworkingntfs

I have a Laptop running Ubuntu. The external Hard Drive is attached to the netgear router. Both are wire connected. The external Hard Drive shows under the network section in files. but when I try to get plex to find it the external Hard Drive doesn't show up.

I tried the instructions for Mounting NTFS Drives on
Linux https://support.plex.tv/hc/en-us/articles/200288606-Mounting-NTFS-Drives-on-Linux
this gives an error that the devise is in use or already mounted. So I unmounted it and tried again and received the same error.

Perhaps using this process I am reading the NTFS drive of my laptop? I cannot tell.

I tried adding this entry to /etc/fstab

// /media/public ntfs-3g permissions,auto 0 0 

got an error:

ntfs-3g: Failed to access volume '//': No such file or directory

I don't have much experience with Ubuntu. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

To ensure the drive is properly unmounted, can you find the output of the command!

lsof -p <mount_path_HD>

Also, once that is umounted,

Try to see if there is an entry in the disk list with!

sudo fdisk -l

Presuming the external disk as ``` , mount as follows!

Then try mounting!

sudo mount -t nfs /mnt/netgear /media

before mounting, make sure you have created a folder named media

Then make an entry in fstab as follows! /media nfs defaults 1 2


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