Ubuntu – How to maximally compress .gz files in Nautilus


When selecting Compress… from the right click context menu in Nautilus I am able to quickly compress files to .gz format.

However by default Nautilus does not use maximum compression. Can I make Nautilus to use maximum compression like gzip -9?

Using gconftool or gconf-editor to set the compression_level for File Roller to maximum seems right but infortunately has not the desired effect and will not lead to maximum compressed files. As this is the expected way of how to set compression levels a bug report has been filed upstream.

Any ideas for a workaround are welcome.

Best Answer

Simply run:

gconftool --type String --set /apps/file-roller/general/compression_level maximum

Other options for this setting: very_fast fast normal

Edit: This doesn't appear to be well implemented. I have compressed a text file (highly compressible) using a number of different formats using normal and maximum settings:

52167 client.h  # uncompressed

15980 client.h.normal.7z
15979 client.h.max.7z

15861 client.h.normal.bz2
15861 client.h.max.bz2

17034 client.h.normal.gz
17034 client.h.max.gz

15892 client.h.normal.lzma
15892 client.h.max.lzma

16641 client.h.normal.zip
16486 client.h.max.zip

zip was the only format that showed any real difference (still tiny on the scale of things).