Ubuntu – How to make WebM desktop recordings


I am looking for either a desktop recorder/screencast application that can output in WebM format, or a program that can convert the .ogv format generated by gtk-recordmydesktop into WebM.

I have selected WebM as the format I need because it seems to be the only free codec supported by YouTube, where my recordings will end up. I've tried uploading an .ogv in the past and got solid green video, so that won't work for me.

I live in the USA and I am conscious about trying to stay away from anything that might have software patent issues, like gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly or gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad. It was for this reason I was originally interested in Tibesti (for example), but that needed the installation of packages like the aforementioned.

I've done some searching online for a free (as in both money and freedom) solution, but so far couldn't find anything. Any suggestions?

Best Answer

12.04 LTS

It appears that ffmpeg no longer works properly in this release for converting recordmydesktop's .ogv recordings to WebM. As it is no longer maintained, it's recommended to use its replacement avconv instead, provided in the libav-tools package (which seems to be automatically installed if ffmpeg was installed).

The command needed to use avconv for conversions is not too much different than from ffmpeg:

avconv -i input.ogv output.webm

Thus, if anybody's facing the same issue of trying to use only free packages to convert from .ogv to .webm in 12.04 (or presumably later), this is how I resolved it. This should be helpful if you're making recordings to show new features or document issues using video.