Window Manager – Change Window Controls Position


Ubuntu 11.04, how can i change the Windows close/minimize/maximize buttons on top left corner to somewhere else like: bottom left corner, bottom right corner? If it's not possible, then I would like to put top right corner. Example as following window:

+---------------- + - [ ]--+
|                          |
|  Hello world             |
|     Ubuntu 11.04         |
|   Hero is here           |
|                          |

I have tried command lines from these questions:

But none was working with Ubuntu 11.04, the only one worked was (Ubuntu Tweak), but in that case I do not have the terminal/command line to make my own custom script for future use.

Best Answer

Depending on your window decorator I am sure you can, in example, using emerald to create your own theme which will allow you to define where do you wish to place these controls.

Anyway, Ubuntu Tweak will allow you to set the place on where these controls are displayed on your windows top corners, left or right, and will also allow you to re-arrange the buttons with your preferences.

Take a look at this screenshot: enter image description here This options can be found under "Window Manager Settings" in Ubuntu Tweak

I hope this help you.

Good luck!