How to Set Left Super-Key to Open ‘Show Applications’ Menu in GNOME


In Ubuntu 18.04.1, I would like to use my left Super-key only to simply open the Show Applications menu (aka Dash) like a left click on the dock-icon (with the 9 dots) does and preferably close it again without showing me any open programs.

I can open it with Super + A and even close it again with Super R, but Super L appears to do nothing at all.

In Xfce, something similar was possible by adding a custom keyboard shortcut for Super L and setting the command to xfce4-popup-whiskermenu, which would open and close a menu with favourite applications. Unfortunately, I don't know the command that opens and closes the Show Applications menu.

Is there any way to add such a shortcut in the new Gnome Shell?

Best Answer

Solution 1: Gnome extensions

Install the extension Start Overlay in Application View to use the Super key alone to open the Application overview.

In addition, install the extension ESC to close overview from applications list to have Esc return you to your desktop rather than to the overview.

In Ubuntu 20.04, use a forked extension: ESC to close overview from applications list | UPDATED by paperthin or ESCape Overview.

Solution 2: ksuperkey (more universal approach that allows you to do whatever you want with super)

With a utility ksuperkey, you can remap a press/release of the super key alone to any key combination. ksuperkey is not available in the standard Ubuntu repositories. Thus, you need to compile it yourself according to the instructions on the ksuperkey Github site.

In this case, you would lauch ksuperkey with the command `ksuperkey -e 'Super_L=Super_L:a'. This will remap hitting super alone to the key combination needed to launch the applications menu.

  • The binding of super to show the overview in Gnome Shell needs to be disabled first. Use the command gsettings set org.gnome.mutter overlay-key '', or alternatively, use dconf-editor to change the value of that key.
  • You can autostart ksuperkey using a .desktop file that you place in your ~/.config/autostart folder.

The contents of this ksuperkey.desktop file may look as:

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Map super key
Exec=sh -c "sleep 0.4 ; ksuperkey -e 'Super_L=Super_L:a'" 

Optionally, install the extension ESC to close overview from applications list ( ESC to close overview from applications list | UPDATED on Ubuntu 20.04) to have Esc return you to your desktop rather than to the overview.