Ubuntu – How to make the clock stop chiming every hour on the hour


I'm using a fully updated 11.10 install. After I installed the gnome-shell 3.2 package the clock started chiming every hour (it sounds like a doorbell). If I'm listening to something that needs to be turned up loud…well you get the idea. It's annoying to say the least.

Disabling system sounds does NOT stop it. I can not find anything in gsettings or dconf/gconf-editor. Is there any one out there with a fix before I go crazy?

Best Answer

It was not GNOME Shell at all. It is the timer applet 'Happytimer', which would explain why no one else has this problem. Honestly, it did not occur to me that a tea-timer applet would be this intrusive...then again, it's right there in the settings. I found the culprit by looking in the /usr/share/sounds directory.

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