You can use the Compiz Window Rules plugin for this.
Make sure you have the CompizConfig Settings Manager installed
and run it.
Then, enable the Window Rules plugin:
and set it so that windows with the class Gnome-terminal
are matched:
If you're using a different terminal, use the + button to build up a match expression for your terminal.
If you'd like your terminal to be fullscreen instead, you can use the appropriate rule in the plugin's config dialog.
In newer versions of Ubuntu (definitely in 16.04) you need to have compiz-plugins
installed package to access Window Rules.
If you don't have it you need to install it with sudo apt install compiz-plugins
and reboot.
Terminal is not net application. Maybe is better to say, in your case, terminal is container for net application like ssh
, telnet
, lftp
, wget
, lynx
Edit your:
sudo -H gedit /etc/profile.d/
Enter the details in this format.
export http_proxy=http://username:password@proxyhost:port/
export ftp_proxy=http://username:password@proxyhost:port/
export telnet_proxy=http://username:password@proxyhost:port/
This is for when using wget
, ftp
, lftp
, telnet
in terminal
has no native SOCKS
client support, you need to use a ProxyCommand
for that, for instance with socat
ssh -o ProxyCommand='socat - SOCKS4A:myproxy:%h:%p,socksuser=nobody' user@host
Or use things like tsocks
to transparently use SOCKS
for TCP
with socat 2:
ssh -o ProxyCommand='socat - "SOCKS5:%h:%p|tcp:myproxy:1080"' user@host
For HTTP Proxy CONNECT method with socat 2:
ssh -o ProxyCommand='socat - "PROXY:%h:%p|tcp:myproxy:80"' user@host
Best Answer
For that you will have to go to Terminal Menu bar EDIT>>Profile Preferences>> Tick User custom default maximum size
There you can set the values according to your desktop resolution.
Example , i guess this is what you want.