Ubuntu – How to make “Search on Google” available in selected text’s context menu in gnome-terminal


I want to have an option like Search on Google available in selected text's context menu in gnome-terminal. Something similar to the option which is available in selected text's context menu in google chrome / chromium / firefox browser:

search google

So, something similar like in the above image, but in gnome-terminal. Is this possible?

Best Answer

Yes, there is an option. First download the following deb packages:

Second, install them using the following commands in your terminal:

sudo dpkg -i /path/to/gnome-terminal-data_3.6.1-0ubuntu4.1_all.deb

sudo dpkg -i gnome-terminal_3.6.1-0ubuntu4.1_i386.deb
#or, depending on what you downloaded
sudo dpkg -i gnome-terminal_3.6.1-0ubuntu4.1_amd64.deb

And third, restart your terminal.

From now, when you will open your gnome-terminal you can quickly search on Google command line errors, warnings and other things. Highlight the text, right-click on it and choose "Search on Google". It opens the default web browser and go to the google search result page:

search on google from terminal

Source: Add Google Search to Gnome Terminal in Ubuntu 13.10