How to Make Qt Programs Look Good Under Xfce – Themes and GTK


I use Xfce.

My problem is – some programs look nice and some sort of ugly. AFAIK this is because Xfce is GTK and most programs use GTK theme, but some programs use Qt and thus don't use GTK themes.

So – my question is – How can I apply some theme to these Qt programs? Can I download some qt theme and drop into ~/.themes? would that work? Qt programs don't have to look absolutely the same as GTK ones – I don't care about that. But I want them at least not to look so ugly.:)

enter image description here

Best Answer

This is not exactly an answer to your question but if you want a nice, consistent and unified look for both Qt and GTK programs I recommend the QtCurve style. Modern distributions should provide a package, in Ubuntu it's apt-get install qtcurve.

And yes, qtconfig is the program to use for configuring Qt-related stuff. In Ubuntu 16.04 you can install it via apt install qt4-qtconfig.

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