Ubuntu – How to make emacs minibuffer vertical


I Want to make the emacs minibuffer (where we type emacs command) vertical.
Just the way we open a window by using

C-x 3

Is there a way to do this?

Best Answer

Normally, each frame has its own minibuffer window at the bottom, which is used whenever that frame is selected. If the frame has a minibuffer, you can get it with minibuffer-window.

Well, apparently there's a way. Creating a dedicated minibuffer frame using the oneonone. This method didn't work how I was expecting on Emacs 24 where I tried as the 1on1-emacs. You need to load hexrgb.el first, otherwise it will not work. This is how it's shown:

enter image description here

As can be seen, it opens a new frame for completions, and for the minibuffer. I haven't figured out why when I switch to the minibuffer it doesn't change the scope to the minibuffer frame and instead tries to reuse the one that I have below. Maybe I'm not using the correct libraries but at least is the start.

Then I used instead a new minibuffer window. The usability of the new minibuffer window was rather null, since I had two minibuffers (and haven't found a way to remove the original) and the auto-completition was done in the main frame instead of the minibuffer frame.

This is the farest I went:

(setq default-minibuffer-frame
       '((name . "minibuffer")
         (width . 20)
         (height . 80)
         (minibuffer . only)
         (top . 0)
         (right . 0)
(setq-default mode-line-format nil)