Ubuntu – How to make a non-bootable ISO file bootable


I have an ISO file I want to use to install Windows 7 in VirtualBox. The problem is this file is not bootable. Is there any command line tool to make a non-bootable ISO file bootable?


The ISO file is a Windows 7 installation CD/DVD. I created a new virtual machine and attached the ISO file to the corresponding virtual CD/DVD reader device. I'm pretty sure I'm doing this step right because it worked just fine with another ISO file I have.

When I run the machine with this ISO file attached I see the "no bootable medium found" error.

I suspect the cause of the problem is that the ISO file I'm interested in is not bootable. When I run the file UNIX command to see the type of the file, this is the output:

file windows7.iso 
windows7.iso: ISO 9660 CD-ROM filesystem data 'CDROM'

However, if I run the same command agains the "good" ISO file it says "(bootable)":

file W7X64.OEM.ESD.en-US.Oct2016.iso 
W7X64.OEM.ESD.en-US.Oct2016.iso: ISO 9660 CD-ROM filesystem data 'W7X64.OEM.ESD.EN-US.OCT2016' (bootable)

Best Answer

  • You may use the IMGBURN software (You need a windows for that). The software is free but will try to install some side softwares if you don't disable the options.
  • From a bootable win7 CD, copy the file etfsboot.com somewhere
  • From ImgBurn choose : Create CD from files and for the sources files, choose everything from your non-bootable iso. Selecting the root folder of the mounted iso shall do the job
  • Choose a destination file on your hard disk, eg : new.iso
  • On the Advanced Tab, choose Bootable disc :
  • For the bootimage, choose the file etfsboot.com you saved before
    • For Load Segment, type : 07C0
    • For Sectors to load, type : 8
  • Finally click on the build button and Yes on each dialog appearing (about 3 of them)

Your new iso should be good to boot.

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