Ubuntu – How to link to php from xampp installation so i can just use php command instead of full path

command linepathsPHPsymbolic-link

I have xubuntu installation and xampp installed on my pc, and everything works great, but lately i am experimenting a little bit with laravel framework and a lot of tutorials and people just use php command in terminal, but for me to work i have to load a full path like


and the file in bin/php links to proper php version.

That works but i would like to speed up a proccess a bit and to use just php as everyone else use and it's much simpler than to use full path.

So my question is how to set a path so i can use just php in my terminal.

I have read a couple tutorials and there are suggests of setting a path in ~/.bashrc

Or to use export

But none of them works for me.

Any suggestions?

Best Answer

Have you tried symlinking the php binary from /usr/bin?

Assume your XAMPP installation is in default location /opt/lampp

This is the command to achieve that (in your case):

sudo ln -s /opt/lampp/bin/php /usr/bin/php
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