Ubuntu – How to let Muon update manager run without entering a password


How to prevent Muon from asking a password when installing updates?

Adding user ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL to sudoers does not help. sudo apt-get upgrade works without a password, but Muon is still asking for it.

It is very annoying to enter password every day to install updates.

(Kubuntu 12.04)

Best Answer

try with configuring your crontab file, to make updates automatically, as root user, example:

in terminal write (as root loged user):

nano /etc/crontab

Then, for example, if you want updates every single day to perform at for example 14:30 o'clock at end of that file write:

30 14 * * * root apt-get update

and simply save changes.

That can help, and to don't worry about everyday updates, as it do that automatically at given time and given user and given command.