Ubuntu – How to launch a bash script using a keyboard shortcut

bashcommand lineshortcut-keys

Just like the title says, how do I launch a bash script in my ~/Downloads folder using a keyboard shortcut? I've tried binding cd ~/Downloads && ./bash-script.sh to different accelerators (ex. the "Tools" button or music player button on my keyboard, and F4) but no luck, yes the script is marked executable, I am trying to do this under "Custom Shortcuts" in System Settings -> Keyboard, and the command works in Terminal.

Best Answer

I have a keyboard shortcut to launch a script to start conky for me.

Now it sounds like you have tried to 'all the right things'. In the command section of keyboard shortcuts I have: /home/karl/bin/start-conky.sh

If you have cd ~/Downloads && ./bash-script.sh in that field have you tried changing it to: /home/username/Downloads/bash-script.sh?