Ubuntu – How to know the version of iBus I’m using


While downloading the components of Android Studio it was showing a message

IBus prior to 1.5.11 may cause input problem. See IDEA-78860 for details.

So how can I get to know which version of iBus am I using and how to update it to iBus 1.5.11?

Best Answer

You can run the command ibus version to see which version you are running. I'm still personally trying to figure out how to update it myself

edit: I found a post that breaks down installing the newest version of ibus, link.

Also in case you run into the same error I did when attempting to install it, if you run into the error saying your intltool is too old run:

sudo apt-get install intltool

When you run the make command stated in the above link, you might get a lot of missing packages. For the most part just install them one by one and if need be google to find the source package for some.