Unity – Integrate Gmail, Google Contacts, and Google Calendar Without Thunderbird or Evolution


I want to integrate my Google contacts, calender and Gmail to Unity. And I don´t want to use Thunderbird or even worse Evolution.

Is there a possibility like in GNOME 3.xx? A lightweight contact / calendar / mail app (maybe one app for contact, one for calendar) would be welcome.

Edit: I want to use the calender to sync my appointments with google – e.g. I open my "ubuntu-calender", make a new appointment and it syncs with google calendar. Also return way.

The same with contacts. I want a see and edit all my contacts in an app and have them sync with google.

Gmail: A notifyer would be enough – just one click on the notifyer and it opens googlemail in chrome. Otherwise an lightweigth email client.

Kind regards

Best Answer

You can install Ubuntu’s New Web Apps Feature of Ubuntu 12.04 & 12.10. This will allow you to integrate your Gmail and Google Calender to the desktop, and make them first class citizen on your computer. This will allow for system notification pop-ups, HUD integration, and other Unity features. This is how to install it:

Open the Terminal and type these commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webapps/preview
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install unity-webapps-preview

Now log out and log back in for the change to take affect. The time next you visit Gmail or Google Calender on Firefox or Chromium, they will ask if you want to integrate with the desktop.

Here is some more reading on the subject:




Hope this helps!