Ubuntu – How to integrate DeadBeef into the sound indicator menu


Is it a way to put DeadBeef to sound menu instead of Rhythmbox?

Best Answer

enter image description here

how to

First install deadbeef - you should check the authors launchpad website for precompiled versions of deadbeef. At the time of writing this, no 12.10 or later version was available:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:alexey-smirnov/deadbeef
sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install deadbeef 

add deadbeef to sound indicator

Using dconf-editor you can add deadbeef to the sound indicator:

enter image description here

add volume control options

To add the volume controls you need to compile from the MPRIS plugin from source.

important note - this was highly unstable for me on 64bit ubuntu causing deadbeef to continually crash and I dont recommend you do so.

sudo apt-get install deadbeef-plugins-dev git

Next download the mpris plugin source from github

git clone https://github.com/kernelhcy/DeaDBeeF-MPRIS-plugin.git
cd DeaDBeeF-MPRIS-plugin
sudo make install

If you want to remove Rhythmbox from the sound indicator then the linked Q&A will help

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