Ubuntu – How to install Unity 8


I'm using Ubuntu 14.04 and found out that we can install Unity 8 on it. Will Unity 8 replace Unity 7 once I install it? And if it does can I switch back to Unity 7 if I want? How would one go about it?

Best Answer

So far the best way I've found is to install the edge snap, which has a few advantages over the .deb session.

  • It runs on 16.04, I don't need to upgrade my base OS.
  • It's all self contained, so I'm not stomping on my existing system, so when I remove it my system remains clean.
  • It gets updated independently of what's in 16.04

All I did was:

sudo snap install unity8-session --edge --devmode

Then I have an option to login to Unity 8 on the login screen. I was able to get a working desktop (albeit unfinished) on my laptop. To remove the session:

sudo snap remove unity8-session