Ubuntu – How to install Ubuntu on a Mac with M1 processor


I am looking for a detailed instructions to install Ubuntu on a Mac with the new ARM based M1 processor, in particular the Mac Mini.

Best Answer

The answer to this question comes from Linus Torvalds himself - put simply, it's "you can't". But more specifically:

The main problem with the M1 for me is the GPU and other devices around it, because that's likely what would hold me off using it because it wouldn't have any Linux support unless Apple opens up... [that] seems unlikely, but hey, you can always hope.

Source: https://www.zdnet.com/article/linus-torvalds-would-like-to-use-an-m1-mac-for-linux-but/ - an Interview with Linus by ZDNet

The core problem here is that the Linux kernel itself does not support the M1, and without core Linux support in the core Linux kernel for M1 chips and architectures and devices, there is not going to be a way to install Ubuntu. And without Apple releasing information on the support for the chipset and such, it will not likely see any Linux support in the future.

Purportedly, there are developers working on supporting the M1 chip however there is NO eta on this, and unless Apple starts releasing more information and code for their chipsets it's likely to take A Long Time. And until such support is figured out through the 'trial and error' approach to code hacking and developing support and such, there is no way to install Ubuntu (or any Linux variant) on M1 chips.

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