Ubuntu – How to install turbo c++


I am used to Turbo C++ and I am new to Ubuntu.

I really need Turbo C++ to get started.

Can somebody please help me to install Turbo C++ on Ubuntu.

Best Answer

To run Turbo C++ in Ubuntu you must have the following:

A.Turbo C++ setup If you have the setup then excellent

B.DOSBox Emulator If you have it installed on your system the good but if you don't go to Ubuntu Software Center and search for DOSBox and install the emulator.

or using terminal:

sudo apt-get install dosbox

Now follow these steps...

1.Extract the rar file and you'll get a setup folder.

If you don't have unrar utility you just need to install small package called " unrar "

Step 1 : goto your Terminal then type

sudo apt-get install unrar

you can now extract your .RAR file by "right-click" then chose " extract here "

or via terminal

 unrar dosbox.rar

Move the extracted folder to your home folder

2.Open the DOSBox emulator

Write the following commands :

   1.mount c ~
   3.cd setup

3.The turbo C++ installation utility will appear.*Press Enter*.

Enter the source drive as C.Press Enter.

Change the source path to \setup if it isn't.Press Enter.

4.Select Start Installation and Press Enter.

The installer will install the files.Once finished u can delete the setup folder.

5.To run the Turbo C++ every time run the following commands:

   1.mount c ~
   3.cd tc\bin

To enter into fullscreen mode press Alt+Enter and press it again for window mode.


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