Ubuntu – How to install the latest Arduino IDE

arduinoidesoftware installation

I have an Arduino UNO, which I need to get working with Ubuntu.

Can somebody explain to me the steps required to install the IDE on Ubuntu?

Best Answer

Arduino IDE from Ubuntu's repos are usually outdated. There are three main ways to install the latest Arduino IDE: with umake, from arduino.cc tar.gz and as a snap. In all cases you may need to add your user to dialout group (if it doesn't work add it also to tty group):

sudo adduser $USER dialout

Install the latest version from Ubuntu Make (on GitHub)

Ubuntu Make is a command line tool which allows you to download the latest version of popular developer tools on your installation

  1. Install Ubuntu Make

    sudo apt install ubuntu-make

    If not using Ubuntu 18.04+ or want the latest versions:

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu-make
    sudo apt update
  1. Install Arduino IDE with umake

    umake electronics arduino

Warning: umake ide arduino is deprecated.

This will install it on ~/.local/share/umake/electronics/arduino. If you don't get the shortcut available you'll need to run install.sh found there.

Some other software options (like Eagle or Sublime) are not free software. I recommend instead Fritzing and Atom.io.

Install the latest version from arduino.cc

Just follow official guide (or Canonical's tutorial):

  1. Download the Arduino Software (IDE). lscpu will tell you if 32 or 64 bits. If unsure use 32 bits.
  2. Extract the package (from terminal tar -xvf arduino-1.8.2-linux64.tar.xz).
  3. Run the installation script (./install.sh).

    [1]: http://arduino.esp8266.com/p

Install the latest version using snap package

sudo snap install arduino

If you need any other Python 3 dependencies other than serial, you can install them inside the snap sandbox using the arduino.pip command.


  • Before installing you might move the folder with binaries to /opt/ or /usr/local/.
  • For ESP8266 see this installation instructions.
  • Installer don't create Launcher icon for me: Just drag it (arduino-arduinoide.desktop) from Desktop:


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