Ubuntu – How to install ppa packages in an apt-get style


I want to install ppa packages in a sudo apt-get install <program> style. I don't want to google for the ppa name and I don't want to execute add-apt-repository before executing apt-get. I just want to install a ppa package with one command like ppa install vim to get the newest vim ppa version.

Can you recommend me a tool?

Best Answer

Using add-apt-repository (or adding the deb lines to /etc/apt/sources.list manually, which is more-or-less the same thing) is the apt-get way. Apt needs to know what packages are available for installation, and for that to work it has to have a list of installable repositories. It's simply not feasible to search Launchpad for all PPAs for the most recent version, nor is that safe — I could create vim 99999999-9999 which hoses your entire system (debs install as root). Installing software from third party repositories is something you should be forced to think about.