How to Install Picasa 3.9

google-picasasoftware installation

I've noticed a new release of Picasa (3.9). How would I install it over my current install of Picasa?

Best Answer

To install Picasa 3.9

1) Install wine and winetricks:
sudo apt-get install wine winetricks

2) Download Picasa 3.9 from google:
cd ~/ && wget

3) Install Picasa with wine:

wine ~/picasa39-setup.exe  

To fix login

Now you have Picasa 3.9 installed but there is a problem if you want to login to Google to upload some pictures, so to fix it do this:

4) Install Internet Explorer 6:
env WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/.tmp winetricks ie6

You will have to click "Next" and "Accept" in a few windows:

enter image description here

5) Copy the installation into wine folder:
cp -r ~/.tmp/* ~/.wine/

6) Done! Now just open Picasa as any other program:

Open Dash and search for Picasa. Click at the top right corner to login:

enter image description here

enter image description here

I) With this method each user will have to run the steps 2 to 5 to get Picasa fully working into his/her user folder. Or ask for he/she to run this once at terminal:

 cd ~/ && wget && wine ~/picasa39-setup.exe && env WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/.tmp winetricks ie6 && cp -r ~/.tmp/* ~/.wine/    

II) If you are feeling lazy, just paste this at terminal and all the steps above will be done for you (as a user specific installation):

 sudo apt-get install wine winetricks && cd ~/ && wget && wine ~/picasa39-setup.exe && env WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/.tmp winetricks ie6 && cp -r ~/.tmp/* ~/.wine/  

III) After the step 5, the file "picasa39-setup.exe" can be deleted:
rm ~/picasa39-setup.exe

And also the folder "~/.tmp":
rm ~/.tmp

IV) To uninstall everything:

sudo apt-get remove --purge wine ; sudo apt-get remove --purge winetricks ; sudo apt-get autoremove ; sudo rm /usr/share/applications/Picasa3.desktop ; rm ~/picasa39-setup.exe ; rm -r ~/.tmp ; rm -r ~/.wine ; rm -r ~/.local/share/applications/wine* ; sed -i '/wine/d' ~/.local/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache
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